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How can I add listicles to my content?


Incorporating listicles into your content is a great way to organize information in an engaging and reader-friendly manner. This guide focuses on how to prepare and add these listicles to your content during the Excel data import process.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Prepare Your Excel Spreadsheet for Import
  1. Create separate columns for your listicles. In our example, we will create two columns: one for “Pros” and “Cons” which are list items you want to display in your content.
  1. For each row, add the pros and cons in bullet points. Remember, one row is equal to one page when we generate the content.
    1. Notion image
  1. Import your data into your project
    1. Notion image
  1. Add variables to your content
    1. Notion image
  1. Generate your content and your listicles being added
    1. Notion image

Advanced Tips and Tricks

  • Pro tips: If you are adding your variables in a Rich Text field, you can go fancy and add HTML directly in your Excel spreadsheet. It could be useful for example if you want to create tables.
    • <table>
              <th>Class Types</th>
              <td>Los Angeles</td>
              <td>Vinyasa, Hatha, Ashtanga</td>
                      <li>Vinyasa and Ashtanga are great for building strength and flexibility.</li>
                      <li>Hatha yoga is excellent for beginners and offers a balanced approach.</li>
                      <li>Diverse range of classes suitable for all skill levels.</li>
              <td>Hatha, Vinyasa, Power Yoga</td>
                      <li>Hatha yoga offers a slow-paced, meditative approach, ideal for stress relief.</li>
                      <li>Vinyasa and Power Yoga are excellent for improving cardiovascular health and stamina.</li>
                      <li>Good mix of classes for both relaxation and vigorous exercise.</li>

Best Practices

  • N/A

Contact and Support

For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team. Contact us at or via chat.

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