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I believed I cancelled my free trial, but I was still charged the monthly fee. How can I cancel and request a refund?

Forgot to cancel your subscription? There's a 7-day grace period for refund requests. Follow steps to claim and prevent future charges.


If you've forgotten to cancel your subscription and were charged for it, request a refund within a 7-day grace period. Refunds after this period may not be possible and can depend on usage. Follow the provided steps to request a refund and stop future charges.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Timely Action: Act quickly! You have a 7-day window to address this issue.
  1. Contact Support: Reach out to our support team directly for assistance. You can contact them via chat or send an email to You can typically find chat support options on our platform.
  1. Explain the Situation: When you contact support, explain the situation clearly. Mention that you forgot to cancel your subscription, leading to the charge.
  1. Request a Refund: Politely request a refund for the charges that were incurred due to the oversight.
  1. Check for Confirmation: After your conversation with support, ensure you receive confirmation that your refund request has been processed.
  1. Check Your Subscription: After your refund request is processed, go to your account settings. Navigate to 'Billing Details' and verify that your subscription is canceled to prevent future charges.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully request a refund and prevent any further charges if you forgot to cancel your subscription. Remember, taking action promptly is essential to resolving this matter effectively.


If you need further assistance, our support team is always ready to help you navigate through the process.

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